Bringing Your Prospectus to Life


Each and every school knows the importance of their prospectus and the need to stand out from the crowd. But what if your prospectus could be brought to life and actually talk to prospective parents and students? Well, with augmented reality (AR) technology, this is now possible!

Ever considered having a short video welcome from the headteacher for those who have not had the chance to attend an event in person? How about a virtual tour of the science department and students talking about their experiences at your school? This is all now possible through AR which is a smart technology connecting print to online resources, guaranteeing a stand out prospectus that will leave a lasting impression.

Parents can scan the cover or a page of the prospectus and connect to a variety of useful and interesting information, transforming your prospectus from a printed item to an interactive experience.

AR also has fantastic benefits when used with homework planners, for a full explanation of how AR works and a demo video, just click here.

If you are interested in incorporating AR into your next prospectus, get in touch on 0121 454 9441 or email me at to discuss the process and how it could benefit your school.